Minggu, 26 April 2009

Alberto C. 28 pounds lost

"I work in an image industry. I finally feel confident in how I look."

Alberto C.
28 pounds lost
Before: 210 pounds
After: 182 pounds

A producer for the #1 Spanish morning show in the nation, “Piolin por la MaƱana,” and a sidekick to Piolin, Alberto is known on-air as the comedic psychic Mala Suerte –which means bad luck. Although the entertainer and morning-show producer had become successful in radio, Alberto was beginning to feel like his 210-pound body was “mala suerte” for his career.

“When I started losing weight, shopping for clothes became fun again!”

“Going to public events, mingling with celebrities and meeting with promoters are all part of my job,” Alberto explains. “And I just wasn’t comfortable the way I looked.” When he started using the ShapeWorks™ products, Alberto began regaining his confidence. “People started giving me compliments,” he recalls. “My favorite was that I look younger.” Thanks in large part to the ShapeWorks™ products, this radio star has built a physique fit for television cameras!

“Best of all, I didn’t have to give up great foods to change my body.”

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