Kamis, 30 April 2009

Rainer R.

“I’m feeling better, looking better and living better!”

For years, Rainer R. lived with an unhealthy routine of long working hours, junk food, and a lack of exercise. “That life caught up with me,” says Rainer. “I often felt uncomfortable after eating.” Then Rainer began an Herbalife® nutrition program, which included Herbal Aloe Drink Concentrate. “That product had an amazing effect on me,” recalls Rainer. “It really helped soothe my digestive system and helped me to enjoy eating again.”* By adding Herbal Aloe to his daily routine, Rainer says, “I’ve managed to feel great for five years!”*

Here’s How:

Take the products consistently. That’s the key to long-term health improvements.
Use Herbal Aloe Drink Concentrate in combination with the other Targeted Nutrition products for the most benefit.
When using products like the Formula 1 shakes, mix up the flavors to keep it interesting.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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