Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

Success Bob

Weight gain is a common occurrence which comes along with maturity in age. This is what Bob experienced. Bob had always been in good shape, but as his weight started piling on over the years, unattractive love handles started to appear more and more prominently and he knew he had to do something about his overweight condition. After seeing a friend who had in the past been known for being overweight and who was now looking trim and healthy, Bob discovered his solution..Herbalife.

After following a strict Herbalife weight management program for but a month, Bob lost a massive 15 inches. Bob confirms the success of the Herbalife Shapeworks products by saying that even though the products will help you moderate your eating, you don't have to deny yourself. In addition Bob mentions that portion sizes also play a huge role in proper weight management as he mentions that although he does still eat some of his favourite foods, he just does it in smaller portions.

Thanks to Herbalife, Bob is now lean, trim and healthy, going from a hefty 180 pounds to 160 pounds. Along with improving his health and overweight condition, Bob has also toned and perfected his muscles, transforming his body into that of a Greek god. At 45, Bob is now in the best health and shape in his

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

This unbelievably amazing! I really like the results! keep us updated for more about of your products. Thanks for sharing!
herbalife shapeworks products